The Balance I Strive For

My counsellor would laugh at me when we’re discuss balance. I’d tell her I was pretty sure it was a myth, and she would laugh and then promptly assure that it was, in fact, a real thing. I’m still not so sure, because I feel like everyone and their dog is on the hunt for balance in so may different facets. There are some areas where I think I can safely say I’ve achieved some minimal appropriate balance, but I think I have learned that there isn’t exactly a perfect balance. There is wiggle room in balance. A window of balance, perhaps. You know what I mean. A “from here to here” balance situation.

Anyway. The balance I find myself searching for that feels the most rewarding is the balance between relaxation and productivity. If I can have both of those things in the same day, I usually feel pretty bomb. Yesterday, I hit it! And it felt really really good!!

Cher came for breakfast and coffee, and everyone just hung out and enjoyed the morning. In the late morning, Cher headed off to her thing, and I got to some of mine. A BIG part of that was phone calls! I had a handful of places to call, either with inquiries or to book things. I got a couple of answers, and a really lovely contact person at another place! I got in touch with Dr. Guselle about some stuff, and recruited for some babysitting over the coming week or so.

Then the kids lunched, and once the nappers were napping, I sat on the back deck and orchestrated some work for some kids who needed the extra work 😉 You get it. I sat and supervised, and Cher popped by to sit with me for a little 💜 She made me some iced tea and we chatted. I took an important phone call at the same time. Once jobs were done, we took a load off until 2pm when more things needed doing. Cher headed on her way shortly thereafter, and naps ended not long after that. Around 3pm, the kids and I headed out for a walk. A couple stayed at the spray park while the rest of us went to the drugstore for s prescription. We walked back and picked up the wet kids on our way.

Home held air conditioning and the promise of Brady being home soon 💜 Supper was planned and easy, and the kids were happy about it. I could plan for camp a bit while the kids played lego and listened to music.

It was a beautiful balance. One I hope to achieve again someday 😅