So. My bookends. My oldest and youngest. They are an absolutely incredible pair.

They have such a love and affection for one another. And it is SO crazy, because at the same time, they both are still so small, and also both growing like weeds. My heart is pulled in a lot of directions, haha! Oof. I love them.
Yesterday was a terribly cute reminder of how little Waverly still is 💜

Positively drowning in one of Brady’s work shirts. The tshirt sleeves went all the way down past her wrists. She is so young still. So small. But so much bigger than where she started. Man. She is SO lovely.
And then there’s Dekker, looking like a teenager. Half asleep. Wearing his backpack. In the pantry.

He is so physically strong all of a sudden, and completely capable of bigger things. He gives me piggyback rides, and we share socks. He can roll more off his back and comprehend more information. Meanwhile, he is the second smallest boy in his class and still rocks adjustable waist pants. I am just smitten with this kid! Ack!
I love all of my children, don’t get me wrong. But the oldest and youngest have different emotions connected to them. All the firsts and all the lasts 💜 I am immensely proud of who all of these kids are becoming! But I’m not ready for age to move quite this quickly.
Stop it.