That Whole Trendy “Sushi Bowl” Thing

Have you seen people on the internet making sushi bowls recently? They look really good but I don’t have most of what they need, and I’m pretty white, and I’ve hardly ever even had sushi. But, in true Hailey spirit, I got the idea into my head and bought some of the ingredients a while back, “just in case” I make them. Thankfully, those were nothing crazy.

Unlike the old standby Hailey, I actually decided to make these things the other day. I bought a couple more things – nothing crazy – and prepped to make one for lunch the other day.

I pulled up Pinterest and searched for easy sushi bowls, and there were more differences between them than I remembered. I got discouraged that I still didn’t have all the things, or just that I’d have to modify recipes. Remember, I’m not especially confident in the kitchen.

Except! Sometimes, I kinda am, now! Go figure!

So I improvised. And if we’re being honest, at home, I call this a white girl sushi bowl. And just because its not authentic asian food doesn’t mean it isn’t yummy!


Ok. This is how I make it. Over explained, as per usual.

White rice. I don’t know what sushi rice is.

I drizzle rice vinegar over it. I always think thats going to ruin it, but it doesn’t.

I had to buy those snack packs of seaweed. I crumble 2-3 of them overtop of the rice. They’re cheap and easy to have in my pantry, so I don’t mind. And apparently they’re a sort of substitute for furikake, which is an asian seasoning that I haven’t been able to find. So. Seaweed sheets. Crumbled on top.

Imitation crab. Take it or leave it. I love that I have an excuse to have this stuff in my house, haha! Its yummy and inexpensive, and the only ingredient a person would have to actively repurchase on purpose, in my opinion. I hack up a few chunks. Don’t overthink it.

Same for cucumber. Cut a chunk of and hack it up. Doesn’t have to be pretty.

Ok. Spicy mayo. Sriracha mayo. I don’t opt for this kind of topping ever, but its really, really good. I don’t know what kewpie mayo is. I don’t have it, I know that much. And while I could use regular mayo and sriracha separately, it wouldn’t be as pretty. So drizzle that sucker. And then add more the next time.

And then you’re supposed to sprinkle black sesame seeds on top. Again, I don’t have those. So I went with everything bagel seasoning, lol! And, to me, that makes it. It gives it little salty pops and its SO yummy.

Anyway. I’ve made these a handful of times now for my lunches. Everyone in my home has tasted it, and while not everyone would choose to eat a bowlful, no one disliked it. The babies devoured it, spicy mayo and all!

Guys. You should really give it a go. Its so much more delicious than you’d think.

Mmmmm. Now I’m all hungry.