That Time I Blew Off Choir

When I was a student, I skipped class sometimes. Iโ€™m pretty sure the vast majority of us did at one point or another. Well, yesterday, I blew off choir. I drove halfway there, and stopped in to visit with my mom. And then we decided to go shopping. It was pretty awesome actually ๐Ÿ™‚ My mom got a few things done, bust mostly she humored me and we did a little bit of shopping for me. I didnโ€™t buy much, but it was nice to take my time, visit with her, and get a couple of things Iโ€™ve been needing to get. I bough a dress shirt, tried on some adorable capris that were in the wrong size ๐Ÿ™ and snagged some bath products. I bought Rowan some muscle shirts (since heโ€™s ripped and all) as well as duvet clips and some new pillows. So really, nothing big or exceptional at all, but it was so nice to take our time together! I have been wanting to make my mom a cd for a while now, so I made it in time for yesterday evening with intentions to give it to her on my way through town, but instead, we listened to it as we drove to our few different places. I think it went over well.

Iโ€™m kind of sad that I never think to take pictures on our few dates, but hopefully I remember one of these times and I get her cute face on here finally!

mama jeanne

๐Ÿ™‚ You’re so sweet! The CD is fantastic. Some really good songs for my soul. You’re a doll. I love you!