At one point today, I had ALL THREE BABIES sleeping! Yes. It can be done. But when its done, its usually short. VERY short.
Thankfully, I had pulled out some frozen bananas earlier in the day and they were all defrosted and ready for me. I preheated the oven and got to making some oatmeal bites as fast as I could.

This recipe comes together super quick, thankfully. I mixed them up and as I was scooping them into muffin cups, a baby started fussing. I went back and forth a couple of times, trying to calm the lemon drop while also trying to finish the oatmeal bites.
I popped them into the oven and went to rescue the lemon drop.

They only bake for about 20 minutes, which I spent rocking a baby. But once it was time to take them out, I set the lemon drop down somewhere safe, and went to take out the baked goods.
And good they were!

Never enough baking in the freezer! I needed to make granola bars instead but they take longer, haha! This still counts as a success!
Happy Wednesday, everyone ☀️