Today is the LAST DAY before Christmas holidays are in full swing! So Wavy and I made the most of it and were productive!
Once the other kids were out the door, Wavy and I put together some party mix for the upcoming season!

It is the BEST party mix I’ve ever had, so I hope everyone likes it again this season, because I bought a lot of crackers.
We had a coffee break with Cher before she had to head in for errands, and Wavy and I headed in for our own errands. Specifically, Costco.
Wavy was hit at the grocery store, as she tends to be. She wanted to do as much of the work as she was allowed, so that left her throwing butter into the cart, and hauling boxes of cereal and granola bars off the shelves. Every time she would tip a box off its shelf, it would come down and bonk her forehead. Everyone near her would gasp, and she would giggle, loving the attention. It was VERY cute. But by the end of the shop, she was fading quick.

$650 later 🤮 we headed home! Unfortunately, I had no boxes, so loading and and unloading the van was an incredible undertaking. But Wavy ate while I worked, and it all got done! We are very well stocked for the next couple of weeks!
Once all was said and done, I put Wavy down for a little rest and heated some lunch up for myself. But the reminder went off all too soon that nap time was over and it was time to go get the kids from school! The littlest monkey was less inclined to go get them. I managed to startle her awake and get a quick punch in the eye. Its ok, though. She’s super cute. I’ll let it go.

Christmas holidays are officially upon us! For the kids, anyway. Brady still has a day ahead, but then he gets some holiday time, too! 💜
Music is pumping. Kids are opening gifts from teachers. Homework has been put away until the new year. Treats are out in full swing. Everything is lighter. I am so glad this day has finally come and we can all let down together.

Merry Christmas holidays, friends!!! 💜