A good while ago, someone gave me Costcos hilarious puzzle of (wait for it) Costo. You know that one? Its SO funny, and I was so eager to try my hand at it. Well, I will admit that I have had it on hand for a couple of years now, undone. Now that we’re here, we have more space, and I demanded asked nicely for a puzzle table. And I got one! Its a pretty cute scene.

This is one of my favorite setups to puzzle in 😍 I’m sure you understand why. Originally I had a different table but it was too small so it moved to the one you see in the above picture. I BARELY fit the Costco puzzle on the other table and it was only 500 pieces. Still. We made it work and then Dekker assembled the silver one for me 💜 He’s nice.
Anyway, ta-da!

It was early in the game where I realized how funny this puzzle was going to be to do. Probably when I found the puzzle puzzle piece…

I really enjoyed the humour involved in this puzzle, but it was after it was done that I really got to appreciate all the quirks. I’m here to show you my favorites.
The first one shows a person reading a book on yoga, and someone near her doing the poses. Because who doesn’t do that in Costco?

Maybe you noticed, but just above them, Santa makes his debut. To be clear, this was not a Christmas puzzle.

This one not only shows a woman being pushed in an office chair, but also, a man reading and getting kicked in the head by a child on a swing set.

Clearly, this is a VERY busy Costco.
And then my FAVORITE part of the puzzle was the cafeteria. Because ALL the food was absolutely ginormous 🤣

I’ll leave you with that last one to giggle at. It was SUCH a funny puzzle and gave me some nice moments of relaxation in the midst of all the work and busyness over here.