I know TGIF (thank God its Friday) is MUCH more popular than thanking God for Monday, but I vote we’re all thankful to have another day here on earth, am I right? Personally, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed today! Its nice to be back in the swing of things, actually getting a few things done, and planning out my week. The kids slept in a bit, which is probably what kickstarted my good morning! It gave me time to wake up, watch a bit of YouTube and eat breakfast cookies. Yup, they’re a thing. No, they’re not made out of cereal or even oatmeal. They’re just cookies at breakfast time. Delish.

Once the kids got up, I changed their adorable bums and got some good kisses and hugs in. I hadn’t seen them in almost a whole day, so it was good to finally get my hands on them!

Breakfast lasted over an hour. I don’t even think they were especially hungry, but they were very distracted. I was running around, getting the day organized, and they were mesmerized for one reason or another. I put some dishes in the dishwasher and set it going, which isn’t abnormal, but they were still very aware. Then, I grabbed a tub and started grabbing all of my makeup and beauty products out of the bathroom and hauling them to my room. I know you guys know I’m excited to tart learning a bit about makeup, but I actually don’t know if I’ve talked about it all in depth! Did you know I have something of a beauty corner forming in my room?? Anyway, With all of my new products from date night, I brought everything into our room so I could get it all organized at some point today. Lastly, I took all of the crib sheets and full sheet sets that I bought at Target the other day, and started to disassemble them from their packaging so I could run them all through the wash. That seemed to really grasp the kids attention. I don’t think a bite was taken the entire time I did that. I couldn’t tell you what was so exciting about it, but it was obviously epic. Dekker would tell me after he had seen each set that it was one of his favorites, and Laela would nod profusely. Such little yes-men 🙂 I love that.

Once breakfast was finally over, we all went downstairs and started the riveting linen laundry. The kids played well for the most part, but there were lots of cuddles in between. I had the privilege of changing one poopy diaper per kid, and then feeding them more still, for lunch. Dekker was unusually good at sharing today, which was very nice to see. He was also really loving to Laela, and caring towards her. She tends to dig herself into this spot in our basement where she’s scared to try and get out. She’s perfectly safe, in a wide open space, but she gets spooked. I never rush to her at that point, because she’s done it a number of times, and can easily “free” herself, but she doesn’t. Anyway, today, she was crying from her spot, and Dekker brought her a water bottle to help her feel better. She had a nice big drink and then was done, so he brought it back to the table. I celebrated his actions, and told him that was so sweet of him! But Laela kept crying, and that confused Dekker. So he asked for a Kleenex, and he brought it over to her to “wipe her big tears.” He brought back the hardly wet Kleenex and I chucked it for him. But Laela would not let up. It was around their lunch time anyway, so I went upstairs to get them some food, and figured I would lure her out with that. It didn’t work, and resulted in Dekker bringing her snacks. I gave up finally and went over to her. I just put my hand out, she grabbed my finger, and walked out. Done. It almost makes me annoyed, but its so easy and I know she’ll figure it out soon. Of all things to be annoyed about, right?

The kids went down well for their nap, and I’ve been playing with my new makeup ever since. I have a nine drawer unit that I’m organizing all of my beauty stuff into. I’ve organized five of them, and have concrete plans for two more, so we’ll see where the last ones end up, but I’m sure they’ll fill in no time. Once I got the drawers where I wanted them, it was either blogging or folding the first batch of sheets, and I really didn’t feel like doing that. But this is over, and the sheets are wrinkling, so I guess I’ll head there next! I have some type of plan for most of the days this week, so its nice to know I won’t have cabin fever for at least a few days here 🙂 There is always lots to do, and I’m finally having a better time finding those things, and even better, not being completely intimidated by them!! Yay for gradually learning to keep a house!