Yesterday was a VERY cute day, all around.
This kid was pretty cute, to begin with.

The ground was still so wet from the recent rains, but I can proudly say I am the keeper of new garden sprouts! We have more of everything we had before, and now we can add carrots and cucumbers to that list!

I dressed Waverly in a shirt with cats on it, and I couldn’t help but see it was juuust missing a Tiger King reference. Hi there, all you cool cats and kittens!”

Wavy also called Froot Loops “poopoops” at breakfast, so that was a win.
Then the kids played outside, on the swings and trampoline. The big kids were diligently helpful, getting Waverly’s boots on and off, and heaving her onto the trampoline.

Quick rabbit trail. Rowan asked Rae, our across the street neighbour, out on a date the other day. Their date was yesterday, and they made fox masks and cookies together ❤️ It was so adorable. 🦊 🦊

Today, Rowan was bragging about how Raaaaae has a teeeeeapot. I, too, have teapots, and the kids were fascinated. That information, paired with the fresh cookies, was the ideal setup for a tea party. So we did that, too!!!

This was the obvious highlight. ☕️
Thank you, Cher, for so many beautiful pictures, edited and crisp for me, as usual 💜
We wrapped up the evening with a new chicken dish I’ve been making, with mashed potatoes and corn. Aaaaand a healthy dose of kids bossing each other around, getting on each other’s nerves, and fighting 😆 Real life!
A tea party…… So cute:-)
Congrats on the garden. Woohoo!