Tales from My Bathtub

While my new bathtub is nowhere near my old bathtub, I’m still incredibly grateful for it 💜 I haven’t had a ton of soaks since we moved, but as time goes on and our stress goes up, I’m having them more and more, for maintenance and comfort.

From time to time, Cher leaves me little treats, most recently, for the bath! I’m bad at using treats, because once I do (get ready) they’re gone! Lol! It just feels so final! But upon her strict instructions to actually USE her gifts, I set myself up for a cushy bath yesterday. To be specific, a pineapple bath.

I had my hair tied up in a pineapple scrunchie…

…my pineapple bath bomb…

…and I kept cool with my pineapple pop!!

These are a few of my favorite thiiiiiiings!! 😍🍍

Today, I found myself in need of another bath, which is not my norm anymore at all. But! Its not always up to me, haha! So into the bath I went, and I had the most bizarre problem I’ve had yet while running a tub.

I started the water and walked away to let it run for a few minutes. I came back to a tub that was WAY too hot. So I turned the water down into the coldest zone and walked away again. I knew it would take a minute or two to actually make a dent. And when I went to check, it was still crazy hot! I put my hand under the water and it was still good and hot! I played with the controls for a while, and let it run way too long. Hot water. That was all I could get! Granted, on the coldest setting, the water wasn’t boiling, but since I had it originally set into the hotter side of things, it was SO hot, and it would never cool off like this.

I called Brady over and he couldn’t figure it out either. Until he did.

Road work = temporary water line + black hose running down the street + super hot sunny weather = preheated water whether you like it or not.

What a WEIRD problem to have, hey???

Anyway. Brady drained the tub and ran me a fresh bath while actually paying attention to what was coming out of the tap 😬 My bad. Thanks, honey 💜 That helped a LOT.

I had a raspberry bath bomb tonight 💜 Thank you Cher! I’m loving my treats!

Nowwwww we hope my body calms the heck down soon 😅