Yesterday afternoon was a bit of a struggle. Solly and Wavy could tell I was having a hard time, and took it completely upon themselves to boost morale. This is especially cool, because while Solly is happy to follow what everyone else is doing, he doesn’t care much for organized activities, and he definitely doesn’t want to LEAD. But yesterday, he did. And it was incredible.

Wavy was drawing peacefully at the table when Solly gave me a note. A note he had written. By himself.

“You mom are as sweet as a cherry pie.”
Oof. My heart is all full and crumbly at the same time. This was just SO cute.
What made it even better was his eager face asking if he could teach me this craft. He insisted, very seriously, “It is VERY creative.”
So while I felt 0% like crafting, I was absolutely not going to turn him down. So, to the table we went.

The craft involved cutting the corners off of a sheet of paper, writing a message inside, and taping it shut. But that level of complicated is something I can get behind. He set up the table for us, giving each of us a paper and a pencil, though we shared the tape. We also shared the scissors, and he made sure to move them away from me when I was done with them 😅 Safety first! So we got to it. Sol suggested we write messages to each other, so we did.

“You mom are well loved.” It sure feels like it 💜
I will treasure these messages for the rest of my life. They were just SO sweet and beautiful and very much what my heart needed in those moments. Solly does not prefer to take risks, which includes literally everything he doesn’t feel 100% confident about. Reading and writing are on that list, but he took the plunge because he felt he could fulfill a need.
I was, and am, and will continue to be, SO proud of Solomon.