I made tacos yesterday. The kids really like tacos, so its an easy sell for the kids. They all eat tacos really well. I, on the other hand, have to make a stack of them in advance because most of the kids are a little too little to assemble them, judge amounts, or fold them up. So its a very “up and down” meal while we make the next one for one kid, and by the time we’re done that one, there’s another one asking. Its busy, but they all eat without complaining, so I’ll take it!
Rowan helped me open cans for the meat. I can’t believe I never considered that can openers are for right handed people! Hahaha! Man alive! We found a way for him to hold it from behind and crank it with his left hand, but it took some figuring, lol! Who knew!

I chopped up a mountain of lettuce, peppers, and cucumbers. We had salsa and sour cream. Cheese. A ton of taco meat. And I believe we went through about 20 wraps.

I overshot, and couldn’t quite finish my second taco. Brady generously offered to take it off my hands when he was done his, but it was too drippy to set down. So he just went for it.

I win’t lie, it was a very delicious supper. I’m still thinking about it. I think we’ll rock leftovers for tonight. I’ve missed lettuce. I hope one day its a little easier to come by and/or afford. Vegetables should not be SO expensive.
Anyway. Taco night. Yaaaaay!