I’m hiding upstairs. I realized moments ago that I haven’t eaten today, and thats not helping anyone, so Brady brought me crackers. I’m now momentarily sustained, and I hear my kids laughing and playing happily downstairs. Its good.
Today was hard. It was good and bad. Very emotionally charged. Not eating didn’t help, and I haven’t slept much since the weekend. My body is mad.
Wavy and I collectively had three appointments in the city today. Appointment number one and two were easy enough, and some fear was taken out of a situation for the both of us. That post has been months in the making and will now have a pretty anticlimactic ending, but I’m comfortable with that. I’ll tell you all about it soon. Appointment number three was also good, but way more emotional. My body is struggling hard, for lots of reasons. More things I’ll share with everyone down the road. But I have some follow up to do in the near future. I cried like an idiot in that appointment, but as per usual, I have the best people in all the right places, and I felt safe and comfortable. Wavy was the best sidekick through the long, hard day.

I’m emotionally exhausted. I hope to spend some time this evening working on my crafty stuff. That helps relax my mind, usually.
Sorry for the vague post. My heart is tired, as is my body. Tomorrow is a new day.