We finally got our act together enough to have our kids going to Sunday School full time this fall! They have loved it, and were really excited to be in the Christmas play this year!
I’ll admit, the Sunday’s leading up to the program have been a bit of a scheduling nightmare, but a pretty short lived nightmare, so we rolled with it. Just lots of having to shuttle different age groups to church at different times. This Sunday, there was a setup in the basement, with coffee and muffins, so everyone had a place to be while their Sunday School classes weren’t on.
So we brought Dekker and Laela for 8:50 ish, and then Rowan and Solomon for 9:30. Brady and I were on the hook for one song, so we waited and chatted and fed Waverly muffins in the meantime. It was pretty relaxed, except that Wavy gets kind of overwhelmed at church, so she was SUPER clingy, and my poor body aches so bad. But hey. I’ll never turn down the snugs. No way.
When it was time for us to practice our song with all the kids, we took Wavy with us and set her on the stage behind where we were playing, gave her an egg shaker, and she was good to go!

Everything went smoothly and simply, and we just hoped she’d do the same during the service. To clarify, people are ALWAYS willing to hold Waverly when we go up front at church, but if she were to cry, I didn’t want anyone to have to leave and miss out on the program. So, this time, I was hoping we could take her up and she’s just cooperate.
The program kicked off with the younger kids reciting some lines. Its always a super cute part of the Christmas program, where no one can remember their lines, and no one can understand anything they say, but its very very cute. This was the first year mine were in it! Rowan repeated after his teacher and said his line. Yay Rowan!! Solomon, on the other hand, was sitting rather than standing, and when coaxed, he insisted into the mic that he didn’t know how. His teacher rolled with it seamlessly and said his line for him. And then he repeated it riiiiight after that. She got the mic close enough to catch him saying the end 😉 Yay Solly!!!
Our worship team – Carrie, Brady, myself, and our honorary member, Waverly – went up at that point and sang a song for offertory. Upon reaching the last chorus, the big Sunday School class danced up the aisles and did actions. I choked up hard. Its SO awesome to see so many children in our church.
The play was next. Every kid had a role and a line! Laela was a shepard and Dekker was an angel.

The play went off great! Everyone knew what to say, songs were sung, etc. Our band snuck back up towards the end to finish it out with a shortened version of the song we’d sung earlier. Once again, Wavy sat patiently behind us and shook her shaker.
I wish I could share more pictures, but they’re obviously not all my kids so I cant ❤️ You’re just going to have to trust me that it was adorable and awesome.
We brought home NINE treat bags 😳 Merry Christmas, kids!