I had a really lovely morning, sitting on my recliner while the middle boys played in the bedroom, building forts. It was pretty chill until the screaming started, and then the bloodbath continued until nap time. So that was fun. But it helped that Brady only had to work the morning, and came home with groceries! Woot!
My mom called around lunch and invited me over to play succulents with her! Haha! She was hoping to re-pot hers and knew I had been saying the same thing, so she had purchased some soil and fertilizer, and was offering for me to share. I jumped at it and limped my poor little succulents over to her house. Once upon a time, they were so lush and pretty, and now they’re all dry and sad and in desperate need of fresh soil, better drainage, and a little trim here or there.
Together, we made a mess of her kitchen, starting with little rocks, and charcoal, and then soil. We broke up my sad dry crusty plants and got them all rooty and loose before depositing them in their new happy home. I put four of my littler guys in one pretty new long, narrow pot that will fit beautifully on my window sill. I repotted one that’s still doing ok, but it needed new soil. And then two were SO stretched and SO weird and angry, roots growing out of their stalk. Just messy. I unceremoniously beheaded them and they now live in the sun, waiting for the cut to “scab over” before I attempt to replant it. So wish me luck on those ones!
Overall, I’m so happy with my new little set up. These pots used to occupy ALL of my dessert bowls, and now, I have my small bowls back, and a way cuter little look! My cactuses stayed the same, but they’re still happy.

I doddled on the way home, got the mail, etc., but I came home to a pretty happy house that smelled like grilled cheese sandwiches. It was a happy supper.
As I write this post out, Brady is practicing guitar for tonight’s band practice! We have most of what we need for a basic sound setup, and we borrowed the missing pieces for the evening so it could be a plugged in practice! They’re a lot of fun 🙂 And we’ve gotta prepare, for another giggity gig! Woot! Who has plans for October 10th? You do nowwwww!