Monday, we got a flat that proved to be quite a hassle and will actually involve us taking our van in to get everything checked and balanced. We’ll also have to purchase a new tire.
Tuesday morning, Brady wrenched his back hard at work. It spasmed most of the morning, and couldn’t get in to see our chiropractor until 1:30 that afternoon. He compared the spasms to me and my braxton hicks contractions, where it seems that simply just having a thought brings them on. He would think about drinking coffee, and his back would go into spasm. Perfect.
Now, its Wednesday. I had a pretty crummy night, and I know Brady slept pretty restlessly, too. But off to work he went. I was hoping to get up a bit earlier this morning, but I was SO tired after my two hour “break” from sleep from 3:30-5:30 that I woke up a bit later, panicking about getting the morning started in time to get Dekker to school. It wasn’t the best start to a morning, but it was ok. As I was scrambling around, getting dressed and such, Brady and I were texting our usual “good mornings” when he called me. It was 7:30, which is unusually early for a call for us. I obviously answered.
Brady shot a nail into his hand. Again. This time, the whole darn thing went in. 🙄 Sigh.
See that teeny tiny hole right in his finger crease? Yup. Thats where it went in. But in true Brady style, he didn’t notice that he had actually shot himself with a nail at first, so when he did find the point of entry, he wasn’t sure which direction it would be in, or anything like that. So he took the safe road, thank goodness, stopped moving his hand right away, and drove to the nearest walk-in clinic.
He was there before it even opened, but as per usual, there was already a line up. So he waited for his turn, sat in the waiting room for maybe one minute before he was taken back to a procedure room. He texted me where he was, I texted back, and he didn’t respond, because the doctor was already in there. It was a relief to me that they were taking him so seriously!
As Brady and I predicted, he was shuffled next door to wait for the x-ray clinic to open. They had to know where the nail was specifically before trying to remove it. And I say “trying” because it was aaaaall the way in there. In the past, when he’s shot himself bad enough to need to see a doctor about it (this was not his first rodeo) there has been a chunk of it sticking out. This time, not so much. The x-ray clinic wasn’t scheduled to open until 8:30, but they opened a little early and he was the only one waiting. Win! They took some quick shots and sent him right back over to the clinic. He texted me from the waiting room saying the “90 minute wait” sign was already up! We hoped he’d get bumped up a little.
Which he was. He was back in the procedure room three minutes later.
I heard from Brady next a solid half hour later. I wish he were the one writing this post but I’ll do my best to get the details as accurate as possible.
The doctor showed Brady one of the x-ray photos on his phone, confirming where the nail was. Unlike Brady’s usual incidents with shooting brad nails into his hands, this sucker can gone STRAIGHT in. Like through his finger. There was literally nail sticking out on either side of the bone. But, Brady and the doctor were both game to give it a whirl. He froze Brady up and cut in a little bit to try to grab the nail. For the record, according to Brady, the nail was 13/16″ long, and pretty skinny. He compares it to a short hunk of copper wire. With no head on it to grab, either. Through a bone. Good luck, doctor! He tried maybe six or seven times to pull it out, chair pushed as far back as possible, holding Bradys hand against the counter, the rest of his body backed up for leverage, and just reefing on the thing, and his pliers just kept slipping. He’d freeze Brady a little more, cut a little deeper in, and go again, over and over, to no avail.
He finally told Brady he would only try one more time, but Brady would likely have to head to the hospital to have it pulled out. That last try is so often when it works 😉 And it did! He used the rest of his syringe and froze him up good and proper, hacked in, and gave ‘er beans.
And he got it out!!!!
Brady exclaimed “Hey! You got it!” The doctor stared at the stupid little nail in his pliers and told it “You were VERY frustrating!”
A couple little stitches and a bandage to cover them, and boom! It was done!
Then, in TRUE boy form, the doctor invited Brady back to his office to look at the x-ray pictures on his computer so Brady could take pictures of them. Because, bragging rights among friends. And blogging rights, because those x-ray pictures are bananas!
Do you see it? At the base of his index finger. Like its SO evenly across his finger that it seems like something thats supposed to be there. Buuuuut its not.
And yes, Brady left his ring on for the x-rays because his hand was swollen. I know, don’t wear rings at work. I know, you don’t even have to say it.
BIZARRE pictures though, right? Just picture them trying to get that sucker free!!
I can say, with confidence, that Brady is totally fine, thank the Lord! He called me on his way back to work to tell me everything, and his voice got higher and higher as he talked, he was SO thrilled with his new war wound story. Like borderline giddy. So he’s ok 😉 Don’t worry about him. Because of how the nail went into him, he hit NO nerves or veins or anything important. Just the bone, lol! Thats not important, is it?
So! All this being said, things that come in threes – we’re done now, right? That HAS to be it! My goodness, what a week!