I never realized our basement couch was so big. It feels like a very average sized couch. But, as with our family size, just because it feels normal to use doesn’t mean it doesn’t look YUGE from the outside!
On moving day, our crew of people tried every which way and could not get it into the main area of our basement. Try as they might, it simply couldn’t wiggle past the one wall, and maybe your couch is different from mine, but ours doesn’t go full accordion around corners. So when the day was done, the couch was lovingly tucked away inside Bradys wood shop 😂 And as funny as that was, momentarily, it couldn’t last that way forever.
A few days after the move, some of our people came over to try and find a solution for us! Tom and Kevin (actually Evan, but, he knows where I stand on that) came happily to haul things around a bit for us, and to try to get that stinking couch into the rec room. But. No dice. Rae and I were standing nearby, bothering the guys offering ideas, and Rae casually suggested that we should just cut the thing in half. And Tom followed that statement with “Well, if we pulled back the upholstery…”
Aaaaand that was how we got to this point.

Yup. They legitimately decided to cut our couch in half. A couple of the kids were skeptical…

But Tom and Kev were confident! They cut just enough of the framing to keep it attached but bendy.

Aaaaand we got it!!! And by “we” I definitely mean THEY got it!!

And because that wasn’t enough work, they then rebuilt it.

We now have a full large couch in our basement, and I imagine it will absolutely ALWAYS live down there, hahaha! In fact it has been overtly explained to me that the couch lives and dies in this basement, hahaha! And I’m comfortable with that! I just so deeply appreciate having these guys in our lives!! 💜 Thank you, Tom and Kevin, for getting our couch into a state where we can actually use it!