Dekker is officially back at walking to school! It was time. There were factors.
Factor number one was that Laela was getting a bit spoiled, haha! When we’d talk about getting back into the swing of walking to school, she’d whine that she didn’t waaaaant to. So, it was definitely time for her to start walking again. Maybe we should’ve driven Dekker but made Laela walk 😂 I’m just kidding. Or am I? 🤔
Factor two was Dekker’s backpack. I didn’t know when he’d be able to wear one again. I’ve mentioned before that it seems all of this collarbone stuff is a judgement call, and man, I’ve had a hard time making those calls! I’ve been reassured along the way that Dekker and I together will be able to make those decisions, based on his physical and emotional comfort level. I’ve dreaded those decisions, but I admit, they really have been clear as the time as come. When Dekker didn’t need medication anymore. When Dekker was done with his sling. When it made sense to send Dekker back into a rowdy group of kids, whether thats recess, Sunday school, kids club, etc. And now, wearing a backpack.
It seems small, but I was nervous of the inevitable weight pulling on his collarbone. But just a few days ago, I could tell we were there.
I have this curiosity about the bump on his collarbone. Its pretty prominent, and I regularly poke at it, and run my fingers along both sides of his collarbone, to judge if it’s changing or shrinking or if it’ll always be there. The other day I was really bugging it, rubbing all of the sides of it, and pressing on it. And then I realized what I was doing!! I stopped the moment my brain clued in and I apologized to Dekker. He looked at me kind of confused, and I said I shouldn’t be pushing on the part of his collarbone that broke, and he laughed at me and told me it didn’t hurt.
“Really??” I asked. Being the loving mother I am, I pressed harder, and he just shook his head. I finally kind of thumped him in the chest like I do, and he giggled and shook his head. Nope. No pain in that spot anymore. At asked him if he figured he could wear his backpack on his back like normal, and if he’d walk to school.
“Ya, probably.”
That was that!
So that happened today!!

He was completely fine!! I’m so relieved that so much in his body is going back to normal ❤️ It was hard to watch my little tender-heart go through such a tough thing, but as per usual, he’s rocked it SO gracefully.
I am SO thankful for the support we’ve received from our friends, church, and his teachers at school. He felt SO important and cared for through these last three weeks, and I think he’s secretly loved the attention 😉
We’re all SO happy for your healing, Dekker!