Today, Dekker is eating early, before everyone, before he jets off for a weekend of fun. He is great about just digging leftovers out of the fridge and making it happen. He had his eye on something specific, but unfortunately, it had juuuuust turned, so I vetoed it. Instead, he opted to make a big salad out of the chopped salad stuff and leftover chicken nuggets.
As he does in many facets, Dekker flew under the radar, and I found him eating his salad on the couch, tucked behind a book. And I’ll admit. I was feeling a little bit silly. So I went into the pantry to see if there was a fun way I could sabotage Dekker’s peaceful meal.
Aaaaand I found a way! I grabbed what I needed and casually made my way back to the couch where Dekker was deeply tucked into his book. Dekker enters another world when he opens a book, so he was totally unaware of my approach. Which was lucky for me considering I was smiling like a doofus at my own prank even before I had pulled it.
Don’t worry. It did not disappoint.

I put a handful of Christmas sprinkles into his salad.

Yup. That was it. But MAN was it funny 🤣
Maybe you also think its funny. Or maybe its just showing how tired I am 😅 A little bit of both, perhaps.
But its allowed. Because its Friday. Thank GOODNESS. What a week!!