We’ve finally had some beautiful weather, and its brought its own relief. Its also brought in the season where bathing the kids feels fruitless, because they are just consistently filthy, no matter what. But I would choose warm weather over cold any day of the week.
Spring looks like cute hats!

Spring looks like crunchy fresh fruit and veggies!

Spring looks like repairing the things that cracked over the winter.

Spring looks like water toys! Or, if you ask Wavy, daddy’s “crunches.”

Spring looks like picnics and eating outside!

Spring looks like messy faces! Hahaha!

Springtime looks like SUNSHINE ☀️

I love me some springtime. I love the iced coffee. The music playing outside. The freedom. The tanned faces. The evening walks. The lake!! There are still some things to sort out to get ourselves out there, but, its May 🙂 Its almost time! One way or another, we’re going to get everything set up and settled in.
Thank you, Lord, for the change of season.