I sadly don’t have a picture from the first one, but Dekker was SO excited to wear his spring stuff today. He went to school in rubber boots, splash pants, and a spring jacket. Even mini gloves instead of his winter gloves. He was AMPED. As I walked him towards the school, he spotted a classmate with the same boots as him, and they were both pretty thrilled about it. They also both had green and blue jackets, and they both had mini gloves. They celebrated 😉 It was adorable. He just seemed so much light hearted and happy. His spring stuff was all new to us this season. Someone had given us the pants and jacket as a gift, and the boots were from Value Village. Yay for free outerwear!
Speaking of outerwear, you guys now how much I love thrift shopping. I love it for lots of reasons, but because I’m happy to shop second hand, my daughter can have girly things! She is a great sport about wearing her brother’s hand-me-downs, but this spring, she is decked out in ALL pretty, girly stuff!
Her toque and mitts were from the local clothing exchange, and have been with her all winter. Rubber boots were from Value Village, as was the Gap spring jacket. The splash pants were off of our local buy and sell Facebook page. I intended to pay $5 for them, but the seller realized there was a tiny snag in the knee and offered them to us for free. Boom. Now that we’re having another little girl, buying some girly outerwear feels a bit easier to justify, but second hand is ALWAYS sweeter!
Let’s see if anyone can relate to me on this last one. Spring means less nosebleeds!!! Right?? Lol! More moisture in the air, less dryness, less nighttime nosebleeds! They’ve not been constant, but they come around often enough. We’ve gotten great at getting blood out of stuff. Solly’s been the worst for it but Laela was the victim last night. She woke up with blood on her blanket, pillow, sheets, stuffies, and smeared a bit terrifyingly across her face. I took Laela to preschool this morning and Brady took on the task of washing everyone’s bedding while we were away. Some ADORABLE pictures came from that endeavour!
These two little dudes disagree on juuust about everything most days, but Rowan invited Solly up to share his pillow and snuggle in his bed, and it went over really really well! It turned out pretty cute all around, if you ask me!
There is definitely some new freshness in the air today. I hope it sticks around for a while, because our winter tires are OFF, my jacket barely fits over my baby bump, and I’m just SO ready for the lake! Its time. We all know it.