Some of these Stages…

Its a bit nerve wracking to share publicly when I’m struggling with my family, for a handful of reasons. I never want to seem ungrateful for my children, and I feel the need to constantly state how I would choose my exact life, and the trials that come along with it, with no hesitation. Also, because I blog publicly, I’m obviously available to be criticized, through comments or messages. While I’m no stranger to this, it doesn’t make it easier. It really hurts my feelings when people who aren’t actually present to observe our life choose to judge.

All of this being said, I truly am running out of other things to write about right now 🙁 This last week specifically has been incredibly difficult over here, and I am DRAINED. I know kids are kids, and disappointment is a tough thing when you’re little, but these days, it doesn’t matter what I say. It is ALWAYS questioned and argued back at me. No. Matter. What. And its exhausting! I swear, even when its something that they like, there is SOME “but, Mommy…” after it. Always. I have NEVER argued as much as I have in the last few days. Not ever.

Please don’t say this is normal kid stuff. I am aware this is not uncommon. But it is so much more than usual, and I feel like I’m about to hit capacity on this level. Some straight up blatant disobedience added to the mix has juuust about put me over the edge. Each day, I am completely finished, and then someone pushes that last little bit. With that, most special privileges are lost, and the kids are furious. Them losing the things they love is just as much a punishment for me as it is for them. For the record, the things they’re losing never ever include reading stories, coloring, building, playing, snuggles, etc. Its more they’re losing tv, certain toys they’re fighting over, sometimes their bedtime stuffies, dessert that day, etc. I can’t tell you how many times in the last week one of them has lost a stuffed toy, and the moment they get it back in bed with them, they hurl it across the room and lose it again.

Please don’t judge our parenting. I know I’m putting things out there that not everyone will agree with or practice in their own homes. Its just been a really hard stretch for us, and I’m having trouble pinpointing what changed in the last week that makes them suddenly feel the need to push absolutely every boundary. I suppose its a stage, and sometimes the close age gap stings more than benefits. In this case, sometimes they all go through the same stages at the same time. And its hard. But we’ve done it before, and can do it again. I’ve just been trying to avoid writing a post that just harps on the kids, yet here we are.

Know how much I love my kids <3 I wouldn’t change them for anything. But YIKES this was a long week! I’ve never slept so hard in my life.


Do people really say awful hurtful things to you about your parenting? I feel like most posts you are constantly trying to defend yourself.
People are mean but just because they’re mean doesn’t mean you have to accept their criticism. You are a GREAT mom and these early years are super hard and we have had many days like what you’ve described.
It is bananas hard right now when they’re little and you have to teach them literally everything and you are so right that disciplining your kids is hard on us too. When I have to take away TV I cry a little bit inside
Let’s pray for each other and start over tomorrow. As corny as it is to say; you’ve got this!

PS I totally want to come to your party for Bambina this summer 😎


I LOVE this comment!! The truth is, while I dont get a ton of criticism to my face, I feel quite alone in how I parent. There are some loving people out there (like yourself <3 ) who encourage me in our style, while I get a LOT of "Wow, you guys must be super strict" from other people. I'm confident in our choices, and you're right, I don't have to accept criticism! I've made my decisions prayerfully and work HARD to follow through with them! I may even cry on the outside when I take tv away 😉 lol!

And please come to the party!!! Not even kidding!! PLEASE, if you can make a way and road trip up, I would LOVE to see you and meet your family! <3 Thank you for this lovely comment, Deanne!