Solomon has always has some sensory stuff. He gets overloaded pretty easily, and needs pushes to actually get moving and motivated. I think he is very easily overwhelmed. If you spend any chunk of time with him, you will notice he likes to be close, but very much on his own terms. He often seems a little bit physically uncomfortable.
The other four of our children love a good back scratch. They find it super comforting and relaxing. Solomon, however, just squirms. Even a back rub is not something he wants. Which is totally fine, of course, but it’s something I’ve noticed. And it’s something I start doing mindlessly fairly often. Whoops!
Very recently, I was tucking Solly in one night and he was laying on his tummy, being silly and hyper. Without thinking, I lightly scratched his lower back. And the kid MELTED.
“Woah. That feels so good.”
And he was perfectly still. Eureka!
Now, this weekend, Solly has been a lot more snuggly with me. Each evening, while we pray, he comes and snuggles up against me. And I scratch his lower back. And he lays so still, soaking it all up. I even got a daytime snuggle scratch sesh with him 💜

I have enjoyed this change SO much! It seems small but it’s such a positive change, and I’m so grateful he can let down under my hand now in a way he couldn’t before.

Sweet Solly, I see how hard you’re trying these days. Stretching. Taking your shoes off to walk in the sand. Running ahead. Saying “I don’t need help, I can do it” more than ever before. I am SO proud of you!!!