Solly’s birthday yesterday was really different. Lol! Thats what you want to hear, right? 😆 All we all wanted to do was go outside, but these 70+km winds were unreal. But we made the best of it. Sort of. Lol
We started by everyone getting him up in the morning, singing Happy Birthday, which he LOVED. They had cereal and fruit cocktail for breakfast, which wasn’t so riveting, but more on that later. We planned to just spend the morning playing!
But the kids had other plans and decided rather to spend the entire morning fighting like cats and dogs. It was a VERY off day. So, being the responsible parents we are, we dragged them all outside into the windstorm for a walk! To be fair, there wasn’t any current risk or anything. It was just windy and somewhat unpleasant. But Solomon got the choose the route, which he really enjoyed, and the other kids played along pretty nicely.
We got home around lunch and ate big salads with chicken nuggets. It was yummy and low key, as our lunches tend to be. Then naps and some homework and cards. Again, totally chill.
After naps was when the fun began. Solomon got to open presents! He received SO MANY good gifts. Some light up toys, some balloons, cards, water toys, and even a bit of money! The winner gift, though, was his new wheelbarrow!!!

THAT was it. SUCH a win! He happily wheeled all of his toys around the house for the rest of the afternoon while we made supper. His supper.
The birthday kid always gets to choose their supper, and he requested baked oatmeal. So we expanded on that and made a whole big breakfast for supper!

Do you know what makes baked oatmeal even better than usual? Salted caramel “chocolate” chips. Just, chips, I guess. They add SUCH a yummy part to the oatmeal! And sprinkles make it extra special. Beyond that, we had bacon, eggs, berries, and chocolate milk!! Woot! It was ridiculously good!
Just because we had a pure sugar supper doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have dessert! Solly requested cookies, so cookies I made! I decided last minute to try and make them have faces and let me tell you. I laughed SO HARD. It looks a LOT like Solly made these himself, but he did not 😆 I take FULL credit. This one is my favorite.

Doesn’t he look like Sloth from the Goonies? I really like his chocolate chunk eyebrows…
The end of the day did not wrap up well. It was one of those rare days where absolutely no one thrived. ALL the kids struggled and fought and tantrumed and suffered. It was HARD, and I’m disappointed it happened, of all days, on Solomon’s birthday. But 🤷♀️ we can’t plan for these things. So we rolled, did our absolute best to have the best day, and we’re back at it today, trying our bet to do our best 🙂
It was still a special day yesterday. I’m pretty fond of my Solly Wolly.