Solly’s First Solid Food

We keep meaning to start Solly on solid foods, and we keep forgetting, or just haven’t prioritized it, I suppose. Today, Rowan headed for a nap while the rest of us (our family, and my parents) were still eating lunch. We plopped Solly into Rowan’s high chair in an effort to entertain him a bit better, and he seemed really comfortable up there! Without much forethought, I stabbed a chunk of cantaloupe with my fork and offered it to Solly to taste. Turns out, he’s a fan!

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He was very happy with his new tasty treat, which I found really exciting! All of our children have broken into the solid food game differently. Dekker was an enormous barfer, and we were very gun shy to feed him solids, so he ate jarred baby food for many months. We did baby led weening with Laela from nine-ish months on, and fed her whatever we were eating right off the hop. Rowan had his reflux, and about eight months in, we fed him tons of oatmeal, and he very quickly picked up on everything else. He was exclusively eating solids and off the bottle already right after he turned one. With all of these experiences, we have no idea how it’ll go with Solly.

When he liked the melon so much, I broke the cardinal rule about introducing new foods, and opted to introduce another, right after the first one!


Turn out, he likes waffles too! Hahaha! Don’t judge! There was no syrup or butter or anything on this. Just waffle. He liked it more than the melon even. Just went to town on it, hahaha! He giggled and smiled at me while he chomped on it.

Today proved to me that Solly is nice and ready to get started eating table food. I’m so excited! This will not only be nice because he’ll join us at the table for meals, but it’ll likely help immensely with his reflux!!! Hopefully we’re not too far away from oatmeal breakfasts!