Solly’s First Day of Playschool: How Did it Go?

I won’t make you wait. It went great 🙂 Apparently he had a bit of holdback, just like his older sister had. But he jumped during singing and, upon retrieving him afterwards, he was playing with other kids happily. You know that version of catch where they use scoops kind of? Ya, that. He was totally happy! Not eager to leave, but didn’t fuss about it either. He was completely comfortable and content! 

On the drive home, I asked him what his favourite parts of school were. Number one with a bullet was his teacher. ❤️ He liked her a lot! He liked his friends. He liked using scissors, lol! He liked crafts. He really wanted to go downstairs and wasn’t allowed, haha, but that was his only complaint 😉 

He was back in time for lunch, and Wavy was really happy to have him back 🙂 Normalcy restored, haha! 

My heart is relieved. Not because I thought he wouldn’t do well, but because my heart is so much lighter when my children are content and doing well. And this morning, as far as I can know, everyone has been well. Praise the Lord for beautiful, capable kids, and beautiful, capable teachers to pour into them!! I see you, and I appreciate you. 


Awww that’s so good to hear! 💖👍😄
Way to go Solly, you are an amazing guy! Grandma loves you! 😍