My suuuuuper delightful kid #4 , Solomon Brady, turns three today. I can’t believe it. SO MUCH has changed!

These last twelve months with him have been really just SO pleasant. He has truly been the sweetest two year old ever, not putting us through any “terribly twos” business. Now, I KNOW some of you are itching to say something along the lines of “Just wait for the threes!” Trust me, I know about that. But let’s not talk like that. Thats just not how we roll over here 🙂 He was an exceptional two year old, and he will be an exceptional three year old, however that ends up looking. I can’t wait to see how he changes and progresses!
Some of Solly’s details are as follows. He weighs about 32.5 lbs, which is pretty much average, I believe. He has that cute little pot belly that little kids have, but if you tickle him, those abs turn to stone! He’s pretty slight, with a big ole head 🙂

His hair is beautiful and long, and he wears it in a ponytail most of the day.

He loves hammers and firetrucks and his blanket and Waverly. He speaks super clearly and is so intelligent. A switch flipped not too long ago that seemed to take him fully out of toddler mode. He’s a full on kid now, lol!

With that, he’s much more aware of his surroundings and wants in on everything the others are doing. Super clear. He learns a lot from his siblings.

Yet his face is still soft like a baby. Sometimes he’ll just stand there and let me stroke his cheeks and neck. Its so so nice.
No word of a lie, I just got up from typing this because Solly announced “I’m under the mistletoe! Come get me!” And he wasn’t kidding. Yes, our mistletoe stays up all year.
Solly is much like Dekker in the way that he does NOT like messes. Its made meals tricky, but he’s finally drinking exclusively from a cup, and getting better at rallying after he spills little bits. He builds Duplo well, sings songs, can count and say his alphabet, and makes real jokes sometimes! A while back, he deemed himself the kiss machine, and whether he’s sad or someone else is sad or hurt, he usually says something along the lines of “I don’t want to hug, just a smooch.” A smooch solves everything.

This boy is a serious light in our home. A willing participant. A friendly tagalong. Someone who will giggle along with everyone, regardless of whether or not he understands the joke. A helper. A snuggler. An eye roller, and a quick recover-er. A tickle monster. A tongue-clicker. Mischievous. Sweet. Soft. Pure sunshine.
Solomon Wolomon, you are an AMAZING member of our family! We ALL agree! We love you SO SO MUCH! I’m happy you love your birthday so much already 🙂 I hope the rest of the day can feel super special, too!
I know its SUCH a busy weekend, but if you happen to run into this kid at the parade or the car show or wherever else, throw him a “happy birthday!” I bet he’d be thrilled to be celebrated again and again!