I don’t know if you remember, but Solly got his glasses and lost his two front teeth in the same week. He was SO CUTE!!!

This has been my lock screen since mid-February, haha! Man. He is basically a cartoon character.
It didn’t take long at all before his teeth started growing back, and I’ll admit, I had some mixed feelings, lol! I LOVE that gappy face, and the lisp that came with it. He was just hilarious. But in the last week or two, those teeth are really coming down, and he has that same air of confidence in his smile! Somehow, Solly just keeps getting better and better!

Oh! He also colours better now that he can see, haha! And he reads better. Works harder on things. Understands more. Gets overwhelmed less. Its pretty cool how well he’s doing. The smile speaks for itself 😁
And it rubs off on others.

He’s a happy dude, and I’m loving how much it shows recently.