Solly is growing VERY well! He weighs 11 lbs 5 oz now, so just about a full pound more than his birth weight. He is still 23″ tall and now that his head isn’t all shifty and squished from birth, its 1 cm larger than it was at birth, making it 39 cms. On all three growth charts, he is above the 97th percentile. We are very proud of our big little man! Our student doctor, Jasmin, laughed when I laid him on the table for her to check. She commented on how he didn’t even need to be weighed and measured, because he was clearly growing and thriving! He handled his check really well, and then flopped on me and snuggled while we waited for Dr. Guselle to come visit us too.
By the time Dr. Guselle joined us, 3/4 kids were getting pretty hands on, so Brady took everyone out to the van and I stayed back to chat with her about this silly pain I can’t seem to shake off. She had me lay down and do a couple of little exercises, and she observed that the muscle that was previously inflamed was no longer so. She said all of my abdominal muscles are back together and seeming strong, but that same area is hurting me more and more. I said the pain is spreading into my back, and at its worst, it goes all through my upper body. It makes me nauseous. And the medication that I’m taking isn’t working anymore 🙁 Its hard not to feel incredibly fed up, but we discussed a new plan, a change of meds, and physiotherapy. She gave me a couple of prescriptions and a requisition for an ultrasound if, in a week, there is no improvement and I want to get looked at further. But she and I are both pretty sure its a muscular thing, so we’ll see how our new plan works.
While she and I were talking, Jasmin came back in and joined the conversation, and it really just felt comfortable, almost like three friends trying to find a solution for one of the group. It was really really nice. They’re both exceptional women, and I liked chatting with them and hearing them make jokes and shoot the breeze, basically. It was a good end to the appointment.
So I would call today’s outing a big success! No, I didn’t get much done around the house today. Not even the things that needed doing. And I didn’t run any errands in the city while I was out. But it was still a good day 🙂 I have a new plan that will hopefully lead to some success! So if you’d like to pray for my pain to give up finally, and for that dang muscle to stop spasming, that would be fantastic.
I’ll leave you with this sleepy face.
Sleep well, all!