Well. I guess I’m a soccer mom now.

Rowan requested to join soccer, and the season has officially begun!
As in, it begun yesterday evening. The kids had their first practice.

I was the mom who forgot the water, but Rowan very happily took a few swigs of my coffee and kept on going!

Rowan has never been part of an official soccer team before, but he plays at recess with his friends, many of which are older than him. He’s been climbing the ladder in his skills, and now that he has a field and some direction, its VERY cool to see how naturally talented he is!
Practice #1 was yesterday, and game #1 was today!

I won’t post too many game photos, because these are not all my kids, believe it or not. But he just positively crushed it. He never stopped running! And by running, I basically mean leaping, because he just bounced and flew and leapt through the air, most of the time with one hand in his pocket 🤣
So. We didn’t win tonight game. But who cared? No one. We could hear kids on the field saying “Wait, who won?” It wasn’t really a big deal. Both teams were really good, and REALLY cute!! 💜
Rowan was thrilled to have his cheering section! Brady and I brought the five kids (Thank you, Rae, Tom, and Kevin for hanging with the babies) and Cher and Sandy even joined the fray!! Ro felt like a rockstar, and I want him to keep feeling uplifted and celebrated.
He can’t wait for the next game 💜

Me neither 💜