We conquered Costco just fine, and the plan was to hit Superstore next. However, even if we leave the house nice and early, it still takes a while to get anywhere. So while the Costco trip was a decently short stop, it was 11:30 once we got out. So we opted for lunch first. We stopped at Wendys. In my opinion, its by far the worst Wendys location in the city. They often get our order wrong, forget something, or the food is just not as yummy. But it has a way better seating arrangement for a group our size, so we go there.
The kids attracted a decent amount of attention un the restaurant, but they ate well and earned every second of that attention.

Of course, Rowan took that opportunity to poop. Now, if you know which location of Wendys we’re at, you know that myself and my three small children would take up the entire bathroom. Plus, if someone is cursed with being in the same bathroom as all of us, the change table stretches out and blocks off both sinks. Its a great set up. So Rowan continued his dump while we drove to Superstore. I brought everyone into the bathroom to go change him up. (PS: At what age is it not appropriate to bring Dekker in with us? I’m certainly not leaving him outside on his own!) It was then that I realized I had one wipe. One. So I was that parent. I would have just grabbed some toilet paper but again, change table outside of the stalls, and I didn’t want to leave him on the table. So instead, I wiped up most of it, hahaha! What else could I do??
Anyway, that was the most eventful part of Superstore. I bought the kids too many clothes (summer stuff is on clearance, by the way!), a pack of wipes, just in case, and all of the groceries we needed. Dekker even asked for cookies at the bakery with manners and everything. It was a big win all around. No one cried or melted down or hit anyone or anything of the sort. It really was a win.
We brought Brady and iced capp and left for home. They took an impromptu nap on the drive home, which is perfect.
Don’t worry, I took the picture in the driveway 😉
I was able to sneak Rowan in his car seat and a few groceries to the house without waking the big kids, but realized a bit late that the keys were still in the van, so I plunked everything on the entrance porch and went back for another load. I had purchased a number of things that were large or awkward to bag, so they were loose, and made for a lot of trips to and from the van, but it was good exercise, and a way to let Dekker and Laela wake up slowly. When the van was unpacked, I freed the kids, and Dekker helped Laela up to the door. They finally caught on to holding hands with me in a line today 🙂 I love that.
My proud mommy heart grew as I tried to actually get the kids in the door. Laela went in first and Dekker next, after picking up a bag from the deck. Once we were all inside, Laela closed the door behind us. Haha, ok, straight up, that was annoying! Because there was a lot still on the deck needing to be brought in. But still, Dekker dutifully carried in bag after box into the house, and Laela closed the door constantly behind us. Once everything was inside, Laela locked the door, and we took off shoes. Instead of their usual rush into the house to play, they both hauled groceries from the entrance into the kitchen itself. Bags of veggies, boxes of cereal, and they both lifted in a big box of kcups. Laela even stacked them up, making them a “tower,” which was very exciting for them, lol! Best accomplishment of all, Dekker managed to drag Rowans car seat into the kitchen. Thats HEAVY for him! But he did it! I was so proud 😀
While I put the stuff away that needed to go in the fridge, the kids asked where the other things went. Over my shoulder, I said “downstairs.” And without my knowledge, they began carrying groceries downstairs. I found this…
I put everything in their respective places and marvelled at my kids desires to help. Even once we were all settled downstairs and I was about to feed Rowan, Dekker rushed upstairs to get him a blanket.
Dekker and Laela have been playing well too. Laela keeps caressing Dekker’s head lovingly, like she did when they were wrestling yesterday. She came up to me while I was changing a diaper, gave me a big hug all on her own, and even moved in for a big kiss.
I am fully blown away by my beautiful kids today. I cannot believe I’ve been given these three gifts. They make me so, so very proud.