First thing was first. I pulled out some chicken and put it in the sink to thaw. I’ve fallen pretty far behind in housework, so while the kids ate breakfast, I got a load of dishes done. I also started doing dome supper prep for a couple in our town. The crock pot is full and fresh stuff is chopped. While I was working at the island, Dekker slid a chair over to me. He said it was because he knew I’ve been tired and sad, so sitting might be easier. 💙 How lovely is he?? Then, almost immediately after, each kid dragged a chair over and joined me on my side of the island. It was adorable, even though it effectively sucked up all of the open space, haha! Just more motivation to tidy it up, I guess!
It was SO nice to have company!! And honestly, it felt great to prepare something for someone else. We’ve been on the receiving end of help SO MUCH recently. As recently as last night even, as our supper was once again brought to our door. So I feel nice and accomplished. Yay!
Also this morning, I’ve been doing a bit of calling around, making appointments. Brady and I have a date next week, which I believe I’ve talked about on here before. We’re going to a concert, and while I LOVE the band and haven’t seen them in a few years, I’m feeling a bit less excited about it, and have almost called our date off a couple of times. But recently we decided we should go, so we spoke to my parents, and they agreed to put the kids down and hang out while we were out. Last night, a friend of ours volunteered to come over even earlier and “fill the gap” so we could get an evening longer date!! Brady and I feel so excited for our date, and I’m realizing just how long I’ve been wallowing. So I booked a leg wax for Monday and a short appointment to get the side of my hair touched up. Time to feel like a human again!! THANK YOU, Mom, Dad, and Carrie for making it possible for us to get out and have something exciting to anticipate!!!
So I made calls to book appointments, and Brady called a restaurant and made us a reservation. He and I chatted and discussed a few things, so I was on the phone a decent amount this morning between supper prep and washing my hair.
Now, as I look around at my house, I’m seeing how much laundry needs folding, how much more laundry needs doing, and that my first load of dishes has already finished and there is lots more to do! With that, I actually have my shorty hair appointment this afternoon, so I have a bit of a timeline there.
I’m thinking that, even though there are still lots of hours left in a day, I can tell my anxiety amps when I do a bit too much, even if it really isn’t too much. So I think the bulk of my work is already done for the day. I’ll hopefully get another load of dishes in, but laundry will wait for tomorrow, and thats ok. Now, we feed the kids, I’ll get dressed, little ones need to nap, and I need to do a bit more food prep. And I really really want to save some more blog posts! I’m scared to lose momentum on that project. In the last week, I’ve saved almost six months, which feels huge.
This post has turned out kind of strange. I feel like my day is nice and full but just enough. And I’m SO anticipating Monday!! Brady works tomorrow, which is a bummer, but is a REALLY good move in the long run, as he’s sacrificing his Saturday to take ALL of Monday off!! Its good to post earlier in the day when I’m feeling more positive. Lots of good days to come 🙂