Yesterday, for a minute there, I thought the world had ended.

Thankfully, Cher was able to bring us enough to last us a few pots, and the world, in fact, continued to move forward. Everything looked SO much brighter in the basement! And CLEANER!

Take a good look, guys. It will never be this clean again! We still haven’t brought in the things we moved out to make room for the contractors, but we will soon enough. I worried the ceiling would make the room feel small, and low, but it brightens the place right up and it finally feels finished!!!
By the end of yesterday, all of our grocery woes were resolved, thanks to our neighbour across the street who took my last minute grocery request on and came home with a haul for us.

Order was restored, and we could all rest easy.

This morning, out of nowhere, heartburn hit like a ton of bricks, and I missed sending the kids off. It also happened to be a dress up day, and because I was upstairs, spitting out mouthfuls of saliva and rocking back and forth with a heating pad (great mental picture, hey?) not all of the kids were able to get dressed up for todays spirit day. But thats ok. Only Dekker was invested in it anyway, so behold, his career day getup!
Pretty cute, hey? 😍He’s being a contractor here, I believe. But he’s been saying he wants to be a woodworker lately. Let’s be real. He wants to be his dad when he grows up. I love that.
Once everyone was off, and it was just Brady, Wavy, and I left at home, we decided to make a quick trip into the city for – you guessed it – yarn. I know, I know, I have so much already. But I needed specific colors for specific projects, and I didn’t have all that I needed. I sincerely hope I do now…

Also bought some soup…

It was on a REALLY good sale! Don’t judge me!
Also, Krista, do you like my jacket and shoes? Ya I know you do.
I’m grateful for a couple of smoother days. There is lots to be anxious about, and lots to be thankful for. God provides, always.
Thats all for today, folks! I have a LOT of crocheting to do! Or at least to organize!