My goodness, it feels like it should be Friday already!
Kind of like a Monday, too, with Brady back at work today.
Mostly a Frida, though.
How is it only Wednesday?
But, guys. Its Tuesday. I only know this because my laptop told me.
Probably it would help if I took slightly better care of myself. I’ve been trying to drink more water and eat real breakfast in the mornings, but today that meant my water had coffee grounds cooked into it, and my breakfast was leftover movie popcorn. Sooooo whoops.
I’m hanging out with these little monkeys today. They’re doing pretty good so far. Though Solly wasn’t really into Rowan’s snuggles at that particular times. Moments before this, he was insisting Rowan accept a hug from him, and Ro was refusing. So they’re kind of hot and cold.
And Wavy is just being her usual self. Ultra sweet, with a little bit of baby stinky thrown in there. She needs a bath, and she’ll get one. But I LOVE her smell!!! Its a real problem.
I was going to say my brain feels a bit out to lunch today. However, Solly has been watching the street sweeper and sneezed his head into the glass, so its possible his head is in rougher shape than mine currently is. It was secretly hilarious. I should go deal with that, haha!
Good luck this TUESDAY!!! (I typed “WED” before I remembered its Tuesday.) My gosh…