Onto the next thing, I wrote yesterdays blog in the early afternoon, and therefore didn’t get to tell you about the cool thing that happened in the evening. Dekker asked for a bath. It went like this:
Me: Rowan needs a bath.
Dekker: I need a bath?
M: No, just Rowan. You don’t have to have one.
D: Maybe I’d like one?
M: Well, you can have one if you want…
D: Ya! I’ll just go get in.
And off he went, to the bathroom, where Brady was running a tub.
Of course, anything he can do, she can do better. Laela raced him there and tried desperately to get into the tub before him. Luckily, Brady was able to snag her just before she got in and get her undressed first. That is how we got ourselves here 🙂
It was hilarious, and chaotic, but awesome. Its a pretty small tub for three! I think we may have to follow this trend though, because they all loved it. Well, ok, not Rowan so much. He cried a bit, but was a pretty tough cookie for the most part. Dekker poured water on himself and on Laela, and they really enjoyed themselves! Not having to wash their hair made it way more fun. Who would have ever thought Dekker would ask for a bath?! Awesome!!!
That was the story I was most eager to share, but of course, I must add yet more pictures from this morning. Because I love these kids. I woke up FREEZING cold this morning and haven’t been able to shake it yet, despite my sweat pants, hoodie, and socks, but they really kept me entertained and happy.
Do you see the look of fear on his face??

Best. Kids. Ever. I know, none of Dekker, but he’s less inclined to let me photograph him these days. I love him too, I swear!! Looking forward to taking them to the city tomorrow. Cutest little dates ever.