This year, I weaselled my neighbour into joining me for the walk over and the mosey through. It was a warm enough day that we really enjoyed our walk. And the marketplace was really nice! It was festive and bustling and smelled great. I wasn’t able to buy anything this time around, but it was nice to chat and connect with people, and get ideas for gifts and a few business cards/info. I hope I’ll be there next November, selling something I can make that I’m proud of. Along with my mom, hopefully. We shall see! I’m getting ahead of myself, thinking about next Christmas before this one has even begun! Lol!
When I got home from the marketplace, I had some lunch and settled in for the afternoon. Except I ended up leaving shortly thereafter to a nearby craft retreat for the afternoon! There is more to that story but I won’t put it on the internet. What I will say is that I had SO much fun, and I can’t wait for the next one in March! I sat with a group of ladies for a handful of hours, working on crafts, projects, gifts, etc. We talked in little groups and big groups, and I got to know new people. It so fun for me. Very much my scene. Its a general group victory when somebody woops, and everyone comes to attention to see what’s been made. Its very encouraging and fun. I loved it so much. I stayed way longer than I anticipated, and finally bowed out around 8:15. Once all the kids were tucked into bed 😉
I drove home, listening to the new Walk Off the Earth album, singing along, and I didn’t even hit a single deer. Lol! I was greeted by a loving husband, a quiet house, and a bath. We had a soak, ate chips and chocolate (our go-to post-Halloween snack) and watched Netflix. It was so so nice.
After yesterday, I felt renewed. I feel hopeful for the projects I have on the go. I feel capable. I feel excited about the basement getting done. I feel excited about what spring will bring. I feel excited to get a fence and a yard. I feel like some things are finally coming together, and I feel less in over my head than I have recently. Without being too forward, I feel like maybe my hormones are a little more in order than they have been over the last month or two. I feel like I can breathe, yet not a lot has changed. But I feel refreshed.
I feel peaceful as I sit here with my family. (I know its a messy island, look past it, please!) My three littlest ones are napping. Laela is writing letters and drawing pictures. Dekker’s mind is swirling with crafts, and he’s working on a project involving many detailed paper Christmas trees. I’m writing this blog and making some lists alongside it. And Brady was researching a project for the springtime before he headed downstairs to measure up the rest of the basement and order the remainder of the finishing package! Ack!!! Its coming, guys. I’m SO thankful to have a way to keep record of these things, too. One day, maybe, my kids can read back and watch our little house dreams come true ❤️