The days aren’t easy right now, and thats ok. We’re all doing our best to roll with the punches, and specifically, be grateful for as much as we can, to highlight the positives amidst everything else!
Yesterday, Brady had an inventory day at work. They closed the place down, and worked late. So it was just me and the kids, which is most definitely doable, but we sure love the buffer of having Brady home in those hours. However, it was very smooth, and quite struggle-free!
Kids came home and did their reading, and then played really well together until supper.
I kept food really simple, and everyone had grilled cheese bagels and cucumbers. Rowan rebuild his cucumber, which surprisingly, everyone really got a kick out of, lol!

After supper, the kids naturally dispersed, and actually played in groups – a couple downstairs and a couple in a bedroom. Meanwhile, I scrolled a little and got some giggles.

Yup. Saving this idea for another day.
When it came time to wrap up for bedtime, it was a little doddly but nothing out of the ordinary. Normally, Brady reads a bible story to the group, and this time, Laela begged to read to everyone. So she did.

I know it seems silly to say, but I can’t believe I have kids who are old enough to read to the whole family with confidence. Its just wild. Or school supervision. Or trying out for school plays. All that stuff is just bananas to me.
I slept hard, and feel decently rested. However, I’m going to take it super easy today. I was going to make granola bars, but I still have lots in the freezer, so that can wait until tomorrow or the next day easily. I’m going to leave some room for my heart, brain, and body to rest today 🙂
Thank you, sweet Cherice, for that sage advice this morning 💜 I’m absolutely going to take care of me and make sure I let myself do some comfy things.
Tomorrow, I have to try to stay organized with kids who need to bring skates and helmets. I have to get Wavy to preschool. I have to go to a morning appointment. I have to buy a birthday present. All in the morning. So today, I will put my feet up. Sip my coffee. Maybe crochet. Do puzzles. Whatever feels nice for Wavy and I.
Let’s just hope Brady gets home earlier today!! We all miss him!