Sleeping with the Wind

I don’t know about you guys, but my kids sleep so much longer in weather like this. Its grey, and windy, and sort of spitting/threatening to rain all day long. The sounds are very effective white noise, and that paired with the absence of the sun beaming through the cracks between their curtains let’s them soak up the slumber just that much longer. I got Laela up shortly before 10:00am and the boys were closer to 11:00am!! It was such a beautiful, quiet morning.

I was fortunate to be able to spend it with my mom. We sat in the living room with our feet up, chatting our alone time away. She is such an encourager, and we feel the same about SO many things. It is so easy to talk with my mom and lose track of time. We have a pretty special thing, she and I.

Eventually, the kids began to lull. Laela ate breakfast for what felt like forever at the table, and Solly was next, eating Cheerios like a ravenous little beast who had never ever been fed. Rowan was the last to wake up and was MUCH more interested in playing toys that he was in eating. I figured it was close enough to lunchtime that he would survive, so I let him. Grandma read story after story to them, and I took a quick phone call and chatted with Brady while he took a quick lunch break.

Brady’s day got a bit disjointed, and while he got lots done, he ended up figuring out that he’d be leaving nice and early. So he’s currently on his way home, and we’re going to load the kids up, pick up Dekker from school, and do a family grocery shop. I know its strange how much they love a good grocery shop, but they all really do! Haha! So thats a winning outing for our family 🙂

Once we made this plan, I got a bit worried about naps. Our little boys are SO dependant on their sleep still. Even Rowan, at age 2.5, cannot miss a nap without being a pretty hot mess by the end of the day. As in he’ll cry and cry “Naaaaap!” He knows what he needs. Yet I was in a bind, because he only woke up around 11:00! What could I do?! So I just waited to see what would happen, and I prepared him lunch for around 12:30. He ate it happily, and asked for more. Once I had him all the way done, he asked to get down from his high chairs. I said he could, and suggested a nap.

“Ummmmm…yup. Nap.” And he reached out for me.

Don’t ask me why, but he was ready for a nap after being up only two hours. Not in the way that he was melting down and neeeeeded a nap, but right in that sweet spot where he was happy to go down.

So I put him down in bed, and he didn’t make a sound. He often messes around in there for a bit, sings to himself, he usually takes that as his opportunity to poop, etc. Lol! But not today. He just lay quietly and fell asleep. And I’m pretty sure I can thank the wind for that. Not in the mystical, Pocahontas “paint with all the colors of the wind” kind of way. But I’m POSITIVE its playing a role in him sleeping so well! Solly also went with after his lunch without any real effort.

The only thing that could mess up nap time would be if the deck chairs and such blows around too much more. They’re SO loud, sliding around out there, but even when they’re all plastered to one side of the deck, they still manage to move around with the wind. I have no idea how else to move them so they don’t, and I’m not willing to make a bunch of trips to and from my garage to store them inside. So hopefully, for the next half hour or so, they don’t move too much, and Ro and Solly can keep sleeping. They’re got to be rested in order to enjoy our little outing this afternoon!

I hope you’re all enjoying this windy day like I am 🙂 I don’t usually feel this optimistic on grey days.