Six Years Ago

A few days ago, Brady and I attempted to have a little coffee date in bed before the kids woke up. Not only were we scared awake by the louder-the-life alarm and knocking everything over trying to turn it off, but the hospital called moments later, telling us to come in for induction. They were a month early and we were quite frazzled. It was a super startling morning, to say the least.

This morning, we decided to tempt fate and planned another coffee date. This time, though, we had no deadline, therefore no alarm, which helped. After a FULL ten hours of sleep, we woke up and Brady brought chocolates and coffee to bed. We watched some Greys Anatomy and had a nice relaxing date in celebration of our six year wedding anniversary. I don’t need to get all cheeseball about it, but it was really nice and comfy and fit the bill perfectly for where we are today. Definitely the best way we could celebrate on a Saturday morning.

Strangely enough, it would appear that I can do very little else today. Brady has been sanding and cleaning for most of the day in a desperate race to actually be able to prime and paint soon. Meanwhile, I’ve been downstairs with the kids, not letting them go upstairs, trying to entertain them. Its never hard to keep them down there unless they hear mysterious sounds coming from upstairs, which are pretty constant right now. So if we can paint a picture of what the day realistically looked like, it would involve me trying to comfort their upset little selves, rocking in a chair, having braxton hicks contractions one on top of the other on top of the other. My stomach was a boulder most of the day, no joke, making it kind of hard to breathe or have any stamina whatsoever. It seemed like I had a contraction with every shift of my body, and unfortunately, that has made today out to be not one of my favorite days ever. But such is life! I’m incredible grateful to be pregnant, and almost at the end, but the last few weeks are where I really expand, where my pelvis really gives up, and where the kids get so sensitive to the change thats about to happen that they need twice as much attention as usual. They’re good weeks, but long weeks.

So as life would have it, the kids are having breakfast for supper so Laela can more easily feed herself. That way, I can be in bed, and Brady is tending to them and periodically washing the floors that are covered in fine white dust from the amazing amount of sanding he’s done over the last few days. I am so pleased and thankful for my family who takes such wonderful care of me.

It hasn’t been the smoothest, most romantic day of the year, but I am still very happy with the decision I made to marry my husband six years ago, no matter how its celebrated. Happy anniversary to us!