*sigh* Macaroni Cheese

Brady is home today. He and I decided to have a box of KD for lunch once the kids were down for naps. We’re trying to be intentional about our time together while also being productive with his time at home. But a coffee date in the morning is really nice, and lunch together is nice too. 

So the noodles has boiled and the butter was softened. It was all ready. I put the noodles in the strainer, then back into the pot, and carried it over to the island to mix it all up. 

I picked up the cheese packet and was momentarily annoyed that everything was ready, except I hadn’t opened the stupid cheese packet. Macaroni is best hot and fresh, so it always feels like a race to get all the parts together. So I quickly grabbed the envelop and have it a good shake. 

And guess what. The cheese packet was indeed open. It just wasn’t unfolded and popped open, so I hadn’t noticed the end had been torn off. 


Let. Me. Tell. You. 

That crap went EVERYWHERE!!!!!

I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. 

There was cheese powder all over the island. All over the floor on three sides of the island. All over the oranges I had peeled for us. Not a spot on the noodles, of course. That would just be silly. 🙄 And as an added bit of fun, the cheese powder was all over yours truly. It was on my  sweater, on my socks, down my shirt. It was ALL through my hair, and in my ears. SUCH a mess.

It was itchy.

Now, I have physio today, and my hair is WAY too greasy to go out in public. But my shoulder pain makes lifting my arms up to my head (washing my hair) really difficult. I knew my physiotherapist would understand my predicament so I had decided to embrace my grease. 

After this, however, I’m not sure how understand she would be if I came in covered head to toe in cheese powder. So I sucked it up and washed my hair. But not before we swept and wiped and rinsed off the oranges and stirred shredded cheese into our noodles and cleaned up the whole huge mess I had made. 

Guys. Lunch did not taste yummy. It was pretty disappointing, actually. But I REALLY enjoyed the laugh, honestly. Felt good for my body to think something was funny. I’ve been pretty pent up since Friday, and this was good for me. 

Even if the food wasn’t.