Brady isn’t sick. Of course. And if he got sick, he’d get over it on the weekend. That man recovers SO quickly!
I’m ok. I have a tickle in my throat, which isn’t my fave, and I’ve blown my nose a few times today, so it could either be coming, or maybe this is as bad as I’ll get? I haven’t had a good nasty cold in a while, so its definitely my turn…
Dekker is the snottiest of all of us. Today seems to be his emotional breakdown day. Its partly sad, and partly endearing. Just about anything can set him off today, but not in a screaming rage kind of way. Just in a bottom lip quivering kind of way. And can easily be fixed up with some cuddles, soft words, and made up words 🙂 Those are his favorite right now.
Laela is constantly crusted over with snot and tears, but she’s playing beautifully and happily, and doesn’t seem too bothered by her cold. She is the one of the three who haven’t required any medication yet. She’s just toughing it out. The only part that makes her upset is when I wipe her nose. So she’s definitely taking it like a champ and is still pretty friendly!
Ro is a hard one to read, which makes sense, since he’s the least communicative. He has no visible snot, and rarely coughs, but he is so growly. He’s not sleeping awesome, but is in obvious need for as much as he can get. And for the life of me, I CANNOT get milk into him!!! He’s eaten maybe half of what he’s normally had at this point in the day. And I mean, its fine, but it just bugs me! My mom reminds me that this is what Dekker always did as a baby when he got sick. He slept. He woke up to eat once in a while, and then slept again. I guess I should be thankful that he’s not been miserable and awake when he needs to be sleeping. He can still lay on his back and sleep comfortably, it seems, so I’m thankful for that. And even with that cold inevitably brewing inside of him, he’s still so dapper and charming.
I love my troop over here. We’re making it!