Brady and I were both pretty wide awake after that, but thankfully, after one episode of The Good Wife, we were both nice and tired again, and were able to fall back to sleep. We did NOT expect the kids to go back to sleep so well, but they did, and somehow Rowan slept through the whole thing.
We woke up LATE. Like after 9:00. Dekker was lulling, but he was on his own in that. We waited a little bit to let him wake up slowly, and we assumed he would wake the rest of the crew gradually. However, after some coffee and Netflix in bed, Dekker was still the only one awake. Brady and I had a quick discussion, and decided to invite Dekker to come hang out with us in bed and watch some Full House and have toast and milk. It was a bit of a hit, knowing how many crumbs would end up in our bed, but I also can really appreciate the comfort of breakfast in bed, and hanging out all cozy when you feel like garbage. So Brady went to get him, and he was hot to the touch. Not complaining, though. He was really happy to come be tucked into our bed, given some medication, and offered breakfast. Pretty much anything we offered, he responded with something along the lines of “I would love that!” He was great company.
At was around 11:45 that Rowan started to lull next. And I say “lull” very loosely. He was laying completely still, with his blanket in his mouth, and we could see through the baby monitor that his eyes were open, but that was it. We decided it was time to get everyone up. Both Laela and Rowan were feverish and fairly limp and tired. We got them changed and gave them meds, and got them to the “breakfast” table. Rowan had his regular oatmeal and yogurt, and Laela couldn’t seem to handle the buttered toast we had gotten her. She rocked an apple sauce and requested yogurt next. Dekker made his way over and asked for a yogurt too, but that was all we got into anybody.
Last time our whole house got so sick was back in February, and it was BRUTAL. I am praying hard that this is not the case this time around. However, I hadn’t kept track of anything very well last time. I knew we had all taken turns being sick for a solid six weeks, but it all ran together, and I didn’t know how long each kid had been sick for at a time. This time, I have my butt kicking planner going, so I’ve made notes yesterday and today recording who has fevered when and roughly how hot its gotten. Trying to be more on top of it so I can look at it more logically and not get too overwhelmed by everything.
It goes without saying, I’m sure, but our plans for today have changed. We were hoping to run some errands this morning, and have my dad over for lunch while my mom is away for the weekend. But instead, we do this…
because no one is up for a whole lot else! Brady might duck out when Rowan and Laela inevitably go down for a nap in a couple of hours, and snag the new playpen, as that was something we were really looking forward to getting in place, but thats probably the bulk of the day right there. Otherwise, we’re keeping the blinds closed, the food bland, and the activity level low. Three poor monkeys need their rest.