Brady’s been feeling a tad under the weather for a couple of days, but last night he knew he wasn’t going to make it to work. And conveniently, some of the kids felt about the same 😬
Well, first, I guess you can know the weirdos that did make it to school.

Aaaaand then the sickos.

Once the big kids were off, Brady settled in for a movie with the kids 💜 Storks. If you haven’t watched it, do it. Its SO cute, and underrated.

Look at those eyes! Ack! Brady rolled out the morning (ha!) and then the kids both went down for naps. He had a soak and a boost in an effort to feel better. I don’t think it worked 😬

Post-naps, Wavy had a pretty decent fever and was feeling pretty floppy and icky.

But Laela came home bearing presents from her teacher, who was giving away from of her supplies in lieu of her retirement. She brought home a gift for each sickie 💜

She is terribly thoughtful 💜
In the midst of the sickness, my mom did a whole Costco shop for us! Thank you, mom! 💜
Here’s hoping for a smoother day tomorrow!! 💪