This weather calls for SHORTS!!!

All five kids rocked shorts today. One was too pokey and didn’t get in the picture, but it still counts! Everyone was outside most of the day, soaking up some sunshine! Grandma brought freezies the other day, so that just added to the great morning they had! I heard no fighting from the outside crowd, and it was SO refreshing for everyone, I’m confident!
Dekker had some solo time on the trampoline this afternoon, and he sheepishly came inside to tell us he had split his shorts ALL the way across the butt. We had a good laugh and shrugged it off. It happens.
It was less cute ten minutes later when he split and effectively ruined a second pair of shorts.
Good thing I have Value Village shop booked this week! 😅
Just about everyone in this house is (ready?) short shorts, myself included. And tank tops/muscle shirts are in low supply here also. I’ve got to check out the sandals situation before I go out. Its time to set ourselves up for summer 💜
I won’t lie. I typed “supper” instead of summer. I have brown dog. 🐕 Don’t judge me.