This week felt very long to me. I talked with Brady last night and he suggested I take Saturday away and go to the city. We’re not rolling in cash and the weather was crappy, so I was hesitant. Its not like I could shop, or go walk by the river. My best Jerilee was at work and my mom had just returned from a trip. Whats a girl to do?! And then Brady lovingly said “Just go buy like $50 worth of makeup or something!” That juuust about sent me into the city last night! I LOVE trying new products, and that would have been enough to buy me a couple new lipsticks from places other than the grocery store! I haven’t bought a Mac lipstick is a very long time. What a treat that would have been 🙂 Makeup and Starbucks.
And then, I stayed home. I know, I couldn’t believe it myself! The kids slept in a bit longer than usual and we all had breakfast together.
We immediately headed downstairs afterwards. The weather was cold and wet, like I know it was for most of you. Our upstairs was freezing, and we try to keep it that way since it tends to heat up really hot really quickly. Once we got downstairs, Dekker started playing toys and I asked Brady to haul out a few boxes from the furnace room for me to start going through. Since I pulled all the empty ones out the other day, it was time to deal with all the full ones. The area underneath our stairs was full to the brim with all the boxes we moved with but never really did anything with. Brady joined in and we really got in the groove. It was actually really fun going back through old pictures from when we were dating, all of our wedding stuff, childhood toys, and lets be honest – tons of random crap.

I found my old jewelry box and little trinkets that I am now putting away for Laela. I have little sparkly stones, some jewelry, and other treasures of mine. We found some really fun toys that Dekker will love once he’s a bit older too. We have a big box of things we’re storing specifically for the kids, one smaller box with things we’re saving for sentimental reasons (letters Brady and I wrote each other back in the day, pictures, gifts, etc.) and then one big box of stuff we’re storing just to store. Yup. One. It is incredible!!
We’re not done. The shelves in our furnace room are still really full, but that will be a considerably less gruelling job. When I go into the room, it still looks awful from the entrance…
but its in way better shape!
I know, this part is still messy, but that pile was WAY bigger and much higher before! Those of you who have witnessed our furnace room know what I’m talking about!
This is another way to look at the progress we made today! My gosh, hey?
We were so thankful to the guy at the dump! He charged us a really amazing price to get rid of all of this trash. I am amazed that Brady could fit it all into his van, and even happier than $15 later, it was out of his van!
Our basement is still a mess. We have one box of things we are taking out of storage and adding to our life/house, and they still need to be dispersed, and there is of course still work to be done in other areas of our house, but it was an incredibly productive morning/afternoon.
The kids woke up shortly after 4:00pm and came for diaper changes on our bed.

Isn’t she gorgeous?
It obviously wasn’t supper time yet so we played/sorted a bit more before having breakfast for supper. It was a delicious day for it, and its a meal that Dekker likes, so that made is taste sooo much better!
Unfortunately, today we had a couple of decently power outages in town that included our plant. Because of those, we are now under a boil water advisory. Its not the end all and be all, but its a huge hassle and makes me grumpy. The notice this time (this has happened before ) said we shouldn’t even wash our dishes! Fighting against the grumpies currently. After such a good day, I can get over the water.
What did you guys accomplish on your Saturday?