I began The Daily Hailey SEVEN YEARS AGO!! 🥳
Never did I think I’d still be blogging seven years later! NEVER!
I didn’t tell anyone about the blog until I was maybe ten days in, and I had successfully blogged every day. I was pretty sure, once I talked about it publicly, I’d give up. Or miss a day. And I figured, if I missed a day, I’d quit.
I remember writing blog posts celebrating one thousand views, or one month of blogging. Goals were smaller then.
If you’ve read along from the beginning (doubtful, lol) you met Dekker as a baby. You’ve followed us through four successful pregnancies, and two gruelling losses. You built our house with us. You’ve come on trips with us. You’ve come grocery shopping with us WAY too many times. You’ve celebrated our birthdays and Christmases with us. You’ve come to Waskesiu with us. We’ve shared a lot of laughs, and some really hard stuff, as well.
I like to think you’ve watched us change a lot over time, hopefully for the better. I definitely feel like we’re a lot different than we were seven years ago. I had way less confidence back then. It was a lot easier to hurt me. I’m still pretty sensitive, and its not too terribly hard to knock me down, but I think I’m braver now. I like Brave Hailey a lot more than flimsy Hailey.
(No, mom. I’m not putting myself down 😉 Just thankful for growth. Since I know you’re thinking it.)
Thank you, friends, for caring about our family and our life. While I can’t actually know who reads along when, I love my readership so much, and feel very honoured to have you join our life.