It was a beautiful morning for setting up Christmas in our home π Enjoy the photo dump, a la Cher, and the occasional caption, a la moi.
Brady assembled the tree immediately after breakfast, and Dekker jumped in to help him get the lights up.

While they worked on the βbonesβ of the decorating, the other kids got all the ornaments untangled and on hooks. It was not the smoothest, and some things definitely broke, but such is decorating with small kids!

Beard Guy and I worked hard not to cringe or micromanage.

Finally, all the ornaments were prepped, and the tree was ready to be dressed!

Big kids helped little kids, which always does my heart good to see π

As always, each kid hung their ultra-special hand painted glass ornament from my mom π

I can trust Dekker to not drop stuff now, I may have pestered him just a little.

He got me back, though, so all ended well, hahaha!

While the kids worked to decorate the tree, Brady worked on lights around the railings. We always had beautiful lights wrapping our railing, until last year, when Brady came to really need to railings. This year, we wrapped the bottom of one railing (movie theatre style) and the top of the other one that no one actually uses for balance.

I decided to leave full βafterβ pictures for a separate post, because the lights will all be the most beautiful as the day wraps up and it gets a little darker π
The kids are 110% ready to be in the holiday season! I admit that I have some catching up to do in that regard, but I will get there, and Christmas will come sooner than I anticipate, I am confident!! But it can π At least the house is ready!