The season is upon us, and the all the cute things that come with Christmas holidays are upon us! Games and colouring are out in full force! This is the tidiest you’ll see our home for the rest of the calendar year, and lets be real, also January.
Thank you to Cher and Rae for the activities pictured here 💜
So I’m going to be honest here. You’ve probably noticed this is the absolute latest we’ve put Christmas decorations up, and thats my fault. There is deep grief surrounding me this season, and I could barely wrap my head around putting up things that would take energy I didn’t have, only to have to take the blinking things down so soon after! Feels like a make-work project for me. But alas, the kids ache for normalcy, so we pull it together.
I only cried a couple of times, so thats better than I thought!! 😆💪
I don’t have lots and lots to say about yesterday, as it was such a significant stretch for me, but please enjoy the pictures taken by Brady and Cher 💜

The boys in the plaid jammies only made the place look more Pinteresty 😍

My mom purchased very special blown glass hand painted ornaments for each child as they celebrated their first Christmas. So our one tradition with decorating the tree is having each child hang their own precious ornament.

It all turned out to be a great success.

Roles may have shifted hard this year, but there is still unity and deep love.
Thank you, God, for bringing us through this day, and keeping us all peaceful and restful, knowing You are praised outside of all the decorations or traditions.