Serving Supper

Folks, I’m here for input! Lay your best guesses on me, please!

Here’s the sitch. Ten people eat at my verrrrry long table. How would you serve your family?

Option A. Pots of food sit in the middle of the table, where only a small handful of children can reach them. Children have to serve one another, or a parent is up, helping scoop food. Which would always be mom, since dad doesn’t stand and reach as well.

Option B. Make two stations of food at opposite ends of the table. More accessibility but twice the dishes.

Option C. Buffet style at the island. Kids carry their plates over to the table afterwards and predominantly serve themselves.

Option D…….

What am I missing? Whats the way? As was the norm in my home growing up, I’ve always just brought the food and set it in the centre of the table. But when your table is 10′ long, the “centre” isn’t really helpful. An obvious solve would be moving one of the adults to the centre of one of the sides so we could be more helpful service. However, we can’t, and this is why. I sit on an end so I can drag the high chairs around and feed the babies, so I need the freedom on the end. And Brady in his wheelchair doesn’t fit under the side of the table, but this unique table has the leafs on the ends, and they don’t have the bulky skirt under them, so he can actually fit under the end. Therefore, on the ends we stay.

What do we do? How would YOU do it? I’d love to hear from others on the subject. We’ve been doing it one way for so long, and I’m only really realizing now that there might be a better way!

Vanessa Rathgeber

Buffet style. I know it’s not how we grew up but even with our two kids, usually this is what we do.


I think thats smart. I’m not totally sure if Wavy can reach, but everyone else can, and I am obviously willing to help whoever needs! Definitely going to try it!