Today, Brady had seizure clinic. And by that, I mean we went to RUH, where they flashed strobe lights at him to try to make him have a seizure, and he took a nice squishy nap with a stack of electrodes on his head. Sounds restful hey??
What it did mean was that I got to drive him in, kid free, and sit in a chair by a window, and rest my body a little. It meant I got to have a really nice phone call, a chat with my cousin who I happened to run into, and I even got to drink a delicious purple drink from Starbucks! I am an incredibly lucky duck!!
I even got to top it all off with one of those delicious greasy burgers from the mall cafe that I love so much. But it was extra good because I got to have a weird hospital lunch date with Brady 😆🥰

No results on the EEG yet. We were warned they’re a good ways behind. But that’s ok. The thing that caused the seizure is already out so the whole thing feels a bit moot. Ah well. It made for a mid week date!
Happy seizure clinic Tuesday!